
The abbasid revolution took place in
The abbasid revolution took place in

We call it integration and sharing model. In one when religion and politics both unite with each other in an attempt to monopolize political power. There are three models in history related to religion and politics. On the contrary, he is supposed to initiate and plan to build a society according to his vision. He is not under the control of divinity to remain submissive and inactive. In its secular approach man is responsible to determine his destiny. While in pragmatic political approach society should move ahead, change and adjust itself with the new arising challenges of time. Religion determines its authority on divine laws which could not be changed with human intervention This is a basic difference between two approaches of religion and politics: Politics, on the contrary, bereft of any value, directs its policy on the needs and requirements of society whereupon, it obliges to change laws and system of government accordingly. It claims that it derives authority from divinity and therefore its mission is holy, motivated to reform society under the spiritual guidance.

the abbasid revolution took place in

If religion holds political authority, its ambition is to exploit it to fulfill a divine mission.

the abbasid revolution took place in

Therefore, in power struggle, both politics and religion make attempts to undermine each other. Religion mobilizes religious sensibilities of people in order to get their support to capture power while politics uses intrigue, diplomacy, and makes attempt to win public opinion either democratically, if the system allows it, or usurps power with the help of army, if the society is under-developed and backward. However, to achieve this object, their methods are different. Both religion and politics have one common goal: that is to acquire political power and use it to fulfill their aims.

The abbasid revolution took place in